So, I have a Youtube Channel now

2 min readApr 1, 2024


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Yes, yes, I know. Everybody and their grandma has a Youtube channel these days but I’ve been really excited to share this news. I’ve started a Youtube channel where for some part I recite, along visuals and music, a few of my favorite poems. Some of which you’ve probably seen on my profile.

Back in October 2022

The real story starts almost 2 years ago.

Yeah, I posted one video and then abandoned the channel for 504 days. God, it feels painful writing these words. Like physically, uncomfortable.

Humans aren’t supposed to be this lazy, right ?

Our species survived and survives famine, natural catastrophes, externally-caused near extermination, self-inflicted annihilation and I can’t post two videos in the same calendar year ?

I mean there’s clearly more than time-management issues at hand here, right ? Like I got paralyzed by the, what-if-I’m-not-good-enough and the what-do-I-know-about this-isms of the creation process.

Because not matter how many times I repeat it, I have to keep reminding myself that I am not, will not be and could never potentially be perfect. So, I have to abandon the fear of imperfection and just post the damn thing.

Today in April 2024

So evidently, I’m extremely excited about trying out this format of storytelling because, truth be told, for a very long time I didn’t think I’d be capable of learning all the skills it requires to do this.

And I still have so much to learn, like making op-ed style videos out of some of my articles or even maybe short stories. The list feels endless at this moment.

So if you have some time and could spare a visit to my Youtube channel, both 2022 me and 2024 me would be eternally grateful.

Here’s the last video I published. It’s about international women’s day and all the limits it faces today. I hope you enjoy it and get something out of it!

Luceat Lux Vestra,

— NoR

